
Eclipse 2017

In Pittsburgh, the passing moon will be positioned to block up to 81 percent of the sun, but along the "path of totality," the moon briefly will look like it totally covers the disc of the sun. Follow the Post-Gazette's coverage of the first coast-to-coast total solar eclipse since 1918:

countdown to maximum viewing (2:35 p.m. EST)
: : :


Eclipse arrives in Oregon
When can you see the eclipse in Pittsburgh? Check our Q&A
Eclipse fans: Monday's forecast may not be ideal
Together again, almost 50 years later, for the eclipse
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Where to watch the eclipse in Pittsburgh
On Aug. 21 we will experience a solar eclipse
Stargazing: Great American Solar Eclipse
For the coming eclipse, cover your eyes!
Get ready for the 'Great American Eclipse'
Scientist at work: Why this meteorologist is eager for an eclipse
When the sun goes dark: 5 questions answered about the solar eclipse

