Individuals from the Diocese of Pittsburgh accused of sexual misconduct involving minors

The redacted grand jury report on sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania released Aug. 14 names 99 people in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Following are the persons from the Diocese of Pittsburgh whose names were not redacted who have been accused of sexual abuse of minors or of using child pornography.

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Albert Leonard



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Leave of absence (1993)

Parish history

Saint Ursula (Allison Park, 1987)

Accused of

Behaving inappropriately with children (in one case, parents reported he swam nude with boys).


In 1994, while pursuing employment with Holy Family Institute, he complained to the Diocese that the disclosure of his sexual history with minors hindered his employment.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Albert McMahon



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Removed from active ministry (2004)

Parish history

St. Pamphilus (Beechview, 1961-1964), Our Lady Help of Christians (Pittsburgh, Unknown-1967)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching an 11-year-old girl at St. Pamphilus; wrestling altar boys individually in his friary room in the mid-1960s (including with one young boy who said McMahon had an erect penis and would attempt to put it in his "behind").


According to the report, "No information could be located within the files as to whether if/when McMahon was confronted with any/all of the allegations.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Anthony J. Cipolla



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Laicized (2002)

Parish history

St. Bernard Church (Mt. Lebanon, 1972-1974), Immaculate Conception (1974-1975), St. Philomena (Beaver Falls, 1975), St. Agatha (Bridgeville, 1976-1978), St. Francis Xavier (Pittsburgh, 1976-1978), St. Canice (Knoxville, 1978-1983), St. Philip (Crafton, 1983), McGuire Memorial Home for Exceptional Children (New Brighton, 1983-1988)

Accused of

Sexually abusing two young brothers in 1978 while at St. Francis Xavier (giving them "physical examinations"; one victim had to sign a confidentiality agreement, according to the report); sexually abusing a boy in the mid-80s.


In the case of the two brothers, according to the report, "Although Cipolla admitted that he 'examined' the two children, he said he did it 'because they had related that they were a bit ill and he felt he was being of service for the family.' When detectives asked him why he told the youths to take off all of their clothing, Cipolla stated that he had not given them such an instruction; instead, he claimed that when he had entered the room, 'that is the way they were.' Cipolla denied placing his finger in the victim's anus and denied placing his hand on the victim's penis." Criminal charges were filed, but not pursued because, according to the mother, she was harassed and threatened by church officials to drop the charges and to "let the church handle it.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Anujit Kumar



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Last listed as missionary at St. Joan of Arc in South Park

Parish history

Parochial Vicar (India, 2002), St. Joan of Arc (South Park, 2008)

Accused of

Kissing a minor on her lips several times using tongue, then asking for her number and giving her his card and a gift.


Kumar admitted to conduct in interview with clergy office, and the case was reported to South Park police. The minor and her parents declined to move forward with prosecution. Kumar claimed he was trying to recruit her for the convent.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Arthur R. Merrell



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned (1998)

Parish history

Allegheny County Jail and Shuman Juvenile Detention Center (chaplain, unspecified amount of time)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching a boy under the age of 15; Having a sexual relationship with a mentally ill man (masturbating with him, inserting his finger into the victim's rectum, kissing on several occasions).


Merrell admitted to both allegations.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes, starting on page 389 of the exhibits, Merrell writes a response in handwriting, and includes a letter to a public defender starting on page 397.


Bartley A. Sorensen



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Placed on leave; faculties revoked; incarcerated as of 2013

Parish history

St. Ferdinand (Cranberry, 1976-1981), St. Colman (Turtle Creek, 1981-1983), St. James (Sewickley, 1983-1985), St. Valentine (Bethel Park, 1985-1990), Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Unknown, 1990-1992), Mater Dolorosa (Chicora, 1992-1995), St. Joseph (Chicora, 1995-1999), Mater Dolorosa (Chicora, 1995-1999), St. Victor (Bairdford, 1999-2003), West Penn Hospital (Pittsburgh, 2004-2011), St. Ann (Pittsburgh, 2011), St. John Fisher (Pittsburgh, 2011)

Accused of

Looking at child porn in his home office in December 2011.


Sorensen was arrested, and a search turned up more than 5,000 images of child porn on his computer, plus CDs, DVDs and print books. Sorensen pleaded guilty in May 2012 and was incarcerated. In January 2013, he was sentenced to 97 months, plus five years of supervised release. He was required to register permanently as a convicted sex offender and pay a $25,000 fine.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Bernard J. Kaczmarczyk



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Suspended as priest in 1998

Parish history

St. Robert Bellarmine (E. McKeesport, 1957-1959), St. Ladislaus (Natrona, 1959-1961), St. Adalbert (South Side, 1961-1967), St. Stanislaus (Ambridge, 1967-1968), Holy Name of Mary (Donora, 1970-1992), Leave of absence (1992), Faculties withdrawn (1994), Halfway house (1997-1998), suspended as priest (1998)

Accused of

Sexually abusing at least three minors -- including forced oral sex on a boy and attempting anal penetration of a boy.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes: "I, Bernard J. Kaczmarezyk, have no recollection of committing any of the conduct outlined in the summary provided with the Order and Notice dated May 22, 2018. 2. I, Bernard J. Kaczmarczyk, specifically deny committing any of the conduct outlined in the summary provided with the Order and Notice dated May 22, 2018. 3. I, Bernard J. Kaczmarczyk. aver that I would never commit any of the conduct outlined in the summary provided with the Order and Notice dated May 22, 2018, and that such conduct is outside my character and reputation in the Community.


Carl Roemele



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Leave of absence and voluntary laicization in 1976; officially laicized in 1978

Parish history

St. Joseph (Mt. Oliver, 1963-1964), St. Alexis (Wexford, 1964-1966), St. William (Pittsburgh, 1966-1967), St. Agatha (Bridgeville, 1972-1975), Allegheny Community College (Pittsburgh, 1975-1976), Epiphany (Pittsburgh, 1975-1976), Allegheny County Jail (Pittsburgh, 1975-1976), leave of absence; voluntary laicization (1976)

Accused of

Engaging in sexual misconduct toward four young boys when he was a parochial vicar at St. William (including attempting to bite a boy in a shower); groping altar servers at St. Joseph; masturbating a young boy at a cabin at Aleo Lake, and forcing another to masturbate him; molesting other young boys at St. Joseph.


Confronted by diocese officials in February 2009, Roemele said he did not recall a second alleged victim by name but did recognize a third alleged victim by name, along with two altar boys identified by second alleged victim. He denied all allegations of sexual abuse.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Casimir F. Lewandowski



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned in 1973; died in 1978

Parish history

St. Matthew (Pittsburgh South Side, 1945-1946), St. Kieran (Pittsburgh Lawrenceville, 1946-1953), Mercy Hospital (Pittsburgh, 1953), Catholic University (Washington, D.C., 1953-1955 -- studies), St. Leocadia Parish (Wilmerding, 1954), Diocesan Charities (1955-1964), Madonna of Czestochowa (New Castle, 1964-1973), resigned (1973)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a girl who was about 12 years old and in sixth grade while he was assigned to Madonna of Czestochowa (ejaculating on her dress).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Charles J. Chatt



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active ministry (2003)

Parish history

St. Alphonsus (Springdale, 1964-1969), St. Anne (Castle Shannon, 1969-1974), St. Albert the Great (Baldwin, 1974-1981), Our Lady of Loreto (Brookline, 1981-1992)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young man (victim one) in 1970 at St. Anne (including oral sex, anal sex and Chatt inserting objects into his anus); having sexual contact with a 15-year-old (victim two) while assigned to St. Albert; admitting to having sexual relationships with "five other youngters under the age of eighteen in the 1970's"; possessing child pornography, including a nude photograph of one of the boys who worked at the rectory; inappropriately touching a young boy on many occasions in the early 1980s at Our Lady of Loreto.


Chatt admitted to Diocesan officials he had sexual contact with victim one when he was 14 years old, but said he never felt "it" was wrong, felt it was a service and later felt like their whore. Chatt admitted to the conduct with victim two. He also admitted he was involved in "sexual relationships" with "five other youngsters under the age of eighteen in the 1970s," attributing his behavior to the "free spirit" of that time when the "anything goes" mentality was in "vogue." In regards to the final alleged victim, Chatt had admitted there were occasions that he "playfully groped" the victim, but advised that they were infrequent and denied that the fondling occurred several times per week, off and on, for a year.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Charles R. Ginder



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Sick leave until death (1984)

Parish history

St. Gregory (Zelienople, 1940-1942), St. Mathias (Evans City, 1940-1942), Society of St. Suplice (1942-1946), Saint's Simon & Jude (Blairsville, 1946-1950), St. George (Pittsburgh, South Side, 1950-1953), St. Joseph (Pittsburgh, North Side, 1953-1959), Censor Librorum (1954-1962), St. Mary (New Castle, (1959-1961), School Sisters of St. Francis (Bellevue, 1961-1962), Our Lady of Mercy Academy (1963-1964), St. Januarius (Pittsburgh, 1964), St. John the Baptist (Pittsburgh, 1964), St. John the Baptist (Baden, 1964-Unknown)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young boy (between the ages of 15 and 17); molesting a young boy attending St. Mary on the North Side in the late 1940s; Fondling a young boy (15 to 16 years old) in 1980; Inappropriately touching a young boy in 1960.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Charles Thomas



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned (1966)

Parish history

St. Killian (Mars, 1935-1937), St. Peter (Pittsburgh, 1937-1940), St. Wendelin (Carrick, 1940), St. Martin (Pittsburgh, 1940-1941), St. Mary Mercy (Pittsburgh, 1941-1944), St. Coleman (Turtle Creek, 1944-1952), St. Hugh (Carmichaels, 1951-1957), St. Marcullus (Pittsburgh, 1952-1957), St. Paul (Butler, 1957-1965), St. Christopher (Prospect, 1965), St. Robert Bellarmine (Pittsburgh, 1965-1967)

Accused of

Sexually assaulting a young man on several occasions beginning in 1958 when Thomas was assigned to St. Hugh (fondling him, showing him pornographic material, penetrating the victim anally) (The victim also related that an unknown nun assigned to St. Hugh helped Thomas in some of the assaults.)



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



David F. Dzermejko



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Laicized (2015)

Parish history

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Natrona Heights, 1974-1979), St. Teresa of Avila (Pittsburgh, 1979-1984), St. Susanna (Penn Hills, 1984-1991), St. Jerome (Charleroi, 1991-1992), Mary, Mother of the Church (Charleroi, 1992-2009), St. John Vianney Manor (Pittsburgh, 2009-2013, Residence)

Accused of

Having inappropriate contact with several young boys, conduct which included anal and oral sexual assaults of young minors.


Dzermejko pled guilty to possession of child pornography in federal court in November 2013, and was sentenced to three years in prison.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes, starting on page 354 of the exhibits, Dzermejko writes a response in handwriting.


David Scharf



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was a chaplain at Sisters of St. Joseph in Baden as of 2009

Parish history

St. Michael Archangel (Butler, 1985-1987), Our Lady of Grace (Scott Township, 1987-1992), Our Lady of Fatima (Hopewell Township, 1992-1997), St. Robert Bellarmine (East McKeesport, 1997-1998), St. Hugh (Carmichaels, 1999), St. Philomena (Beaver Falls, 1999-2003), Sisters of St. Joseph (Baden, 2009-Undetermined)

Accused of

Massaging the feet of several males, both adults and minors.


The complaint was made in 2002. Scharf admitted to massaging the feet of minors and later masturbating to the image of the minors' feet during several St. Luke Institute Continuing Care Workshops from 2005 to 2010.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Dominic McGee



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action


Parish history


Accused of

Masturbating a high school student in the early to mid-1970s at Canevin High School in Allegheny County; groping the student's younger brother while he slept on the couch.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Donald W. Mcllvane



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Leave of absence (2008)

Parish history

St. Stephen (Pittsburgh, 1952-1957), St. Paul Cathedral (Pittsburgh, 1957-1960), Resurrection (Pittsburgh, 1960-1962), Chaplain Correctional Institution (Allegheny County, 1962-1966), St. Richard (Pittsburgh, 1966-1976), Corpus Christi (Pittsburgh, 1976-1985), Presentation of the Virgin Mary (Midland, 1985-1992), St. John Fisher (Pittsburgh, 1992-1994), Motherhouse at Sisters of Divine Providence (Allison Park, 1994)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young boy at St. Richard between 1973 and 1977 (including oral sex at least 40 times per year and paying the boy afterward with money from the parish donations.)


In 2008, the Diocesan Review Board determined that the allegation could not be substantiated because the information was inconclusive and unable to be verified.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes, the executrix of his estate responded with a letter, which included the line: "He did not engage in any improper sexual activity and his legacy should not be harmed by false allegations that he was an 'Offender'.


Edward G. Huff



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned (1993)

Parish history

Holy Innocents (Pittsburgh, 1973-1978), North American Martyrs (Monroeville, 1978-1983), St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother (Whitehall, 1983-1987), St. Anthony (Bessemer, 1987-1991), St. Anselm (Swissvale, 1991-1992), Office for Chaplaincies and Campus Ministry (1992-1993)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching several young victims; inviting teenage male students to the rectory, providing them with alcohol and wrestling with them, at times.


In 1994, Huff was arrested and charged with several crimes in Lawrence County for conduct that occurred when he was a priest at St. Anthony's. On August 21, 1996, Huff pled guilty and was sentenced to serve 18 months to 5 years in prison. He was paroled on August 5, 1999. A note in Huff's file from 2000 stated that he "admitted to touching 500 kids and targeting at least 1200...

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Edward Joyce



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was chaplain of Sisters of St. Francis, Mt. Assisi until death in 1969

Parish history

St. James (Wilkinsburg, 1941-1946), St. Andrew (North Side, 1946-1955), St. Titus (Aliquippa, 1955-1959), St. Joseph (Sharpsburg, 1959-1963), St. Joseph (North Side, 1963-1968), Sisters of St. Francis, Mt. Assisi (1968-1969)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching a male from 1966 to 1968 at a church in Allegheny County (giving massages that led to naked massages and heavy touching).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Edward L. Kryston



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was pastor of St. Albert the Great in Baldwin as of 1999.

Parish history

St. Luke (Carnegie, 1974-1979), St. John (Unity, 1989-1980), St. Pius X (Pittsburgh, 1980-1984), St. Martin (Pittsburgh, 1984-1988), Our Lady of Joy (Holiday Park, 1988-1989), Holy Trinity (Moon Run, 1989-1996), St. Albert the Great (Baldwin, 1996-1999)

Accused of

"Drinking and fooling around with girls," according to notes from a priest's conversation with a CCD teacher; grabbing young girls by their buttocks at a school dance; inviting an 11-year-old girl to his room, where there were pornographic magazines under his bed and pictures of a young girl from the school on his wall (it is not clear in the report if this is the same young woman).


Questioned in 1984 about complaints regarding his conduct with young women, Kryston denied any inappropriate conduct or behavior, but admitted he took girls into his room to watch television (always in "groups"). In regards to the school dance allegations, he "did not deny" dancing with the two girls, and acknowledged physical contact, but "denied any sexual intent.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes: "I, Edward L. Kryston, deny any wrongdoing regarding the circumstances set out in the summary of the Grand Jury notes provided to me at pages 362, 363, 364 and 365.


Edward P. Smith



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action


Parish history

Sacred Heart Church (Emsworth, unspecified amount of time)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a 16-year-old girl during the time period when he was assigned to Sacred Heart (fondling her breasts and her genitals).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Ernest Paone



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned in 2003, but had been assisting in confirmations as of 2006, when he was reminded his faculties had been revoked.

Parish history

St. Titus (Aliquippa, 1957-1960), Epiphany (Uptown, 1960-1961), Mother of Sorrows (McKees Rocks, 1961), St. Monica (Wampum, 1961-1962), St. Theresa (Koppel, 1961-1962), Madonna of Jerusalem (Sharpsburg, 1962-1966), Ministry in Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas (1966-2001)

Accused of

Molesting young boys and illegally using guns with even younger parishioners; sexually abusing a young boy in the 1960s (fondling, oral sex and anal sex) and providing him with alcohol, pornographic magazines and cash.


Paone's case is one of three listed in the report as highlighting "the wholesale institutional failure that endangered the welfare of children," and can be examined on pages 215-229.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Ferdinand B. Demsher



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Died while in active ministry at St. Mary of the Assumption (1983)

Parish history

St. Peter (New Kensington, 1946-1947), Christ the King (Ambridge, 1947-1949), St. James (West End, 1949-1951), Resurrection (Brooklin, 1963-1966), St. Mary of the Assumption (Pittsburgh, 1966-1983)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a boy (13 or 14 years old) from 1975 to 1976 at St. Mary of the Assumption (Including sexually touching him by using a ruse related to a prostate check); molesting a separate child in the late-1970s to early-1980s; inappropirately touching two young boys; providing alcohol to a boy and several others in the mid-late 1960s.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Fidelis Lazar



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active priestly ministry (1989)

Parish history

St. Vincent (Latrobe, 1966-1969), St. Bede (Bovard, 1970-1975), Sacred Heart (St. Mary, 1975-1976), St. Clare (Clairton, 1976-1981), St. Joan of Arc (Library, 1981-1982), St. Mary (New Castle, 1982-1984), St. Joseph (Bloomfield, 1984-1986), St. Teresa (Koppel, 1984-1987)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young boy in 1986 (kissing and touching the child's genitals); molesting a young boy 15 or 16 years of age (on many occasions, kissing him, removing his pants and fondling his penis) while Lazar was assigned at St. Joan of Arc; abusing a man in the 1960s while at St. Vincent's Preparatory School in Latrobe.


Confronted about the 1986 allegation, Lazar initially denied it, stating the family was "troubled" and was singling him out. But while in treatment, it was noted that Lazar admitted being sexually active with children after his ordination.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Francis Pucci



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Retired (1992)

Parish history

St. Vitus (New Castle, 1957-1961), Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Braddock, 1961-1962), St. Vitus (New Castle, 1962-1965), St. Mary (McKeesport, 1965-1966), Epiphany (Uptown, 1966-1966), Lawrenceville Catholic (1968-1969), South Side Catholic (1969-1970), St. Januarius (Renton, 1970-1972), St. Eugene (Liberty Boro, 1972-1973), Purification (Ellwood City, 1973-1980), St. Joseph (Coraopolis, 1980-1981), St. Alphonsus (McDonald, 1981-1984) Our Lady of Lourdes (Burgettstown, 1984-1987), Immaculate Conception (Washington, 1987)

Accused of

Touching a young boy to the point of ejaculation while he was a minor at St. Vitus school in 1962; inappropriately touching several other young boys, including one in 1980 at a church in Coraopolis and one in 1983 at a church in McDonald.


In 1988, state police named him and two other priests (Robert Wolk and Richard Zula) as suspects in the sexual assault of two former altar boys. Charges were dropped because the statute of limitations had passed.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Francis Siler



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active ministry (2002)

Parish history

Nativity (Broughton, 1963-1970), St. Bernard (Mt. Lebanon, 1970-1972), St. Titus (Aliquippa, 1972-1974), St. Catherine (Wildwood, 1975-1976, 1983-1984), St. Margaret (New Castle, 1976-1983), St. Agnes (West Mifflin, 1984-1985), Allegheny Valley Hospital (1986-1987), St. Mary Mercy (Pittsburgh, 1987-2002)

Accused of

Having a history of sexual behavior with minors; molesting a child (the victim confronted Siler in 1994 as an adult); inappropriately touching an altar boy at St. Catherine church who was in the second or third grade (though some of the dates provided by the victim did not correspond to Siler's age or assignment at the time); inappropriately touching a young boy at a church in Beaver County between 1972 and 1973; groping a young boy through his clothes between 1972 and 1974 at a Beaver County church.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Frank Meder



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action


Parish history

Marianist Community (Unspecified amount of time)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching a young girl in the late 1950s; sexually abusing a young boy in 1953 or 1954; making inappropriate sexual contact with a young boy between 1955 and 1957; making inappropriate sexual contact with a young boy in the mid-1960s, including giving him candy only after spanking him, on six occasions; sexually abusing a young boy in 1953 or 1954. (All alleged incidents occurred at North Catholic High School.)



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



George A. Wilt



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

In June 2018, after reading the Grand Jury report, Bishop Zubik asked the Independent Review Board to review the case of Father Wilt. After conducting its review, the board accepted the diocese’s decision to allow Wilt to remain active in ministry in retirement in accordance with the Review Process policies.

Parish history

Sacred Heart (Pittsburgh, 1959-1968), St. Bernard (Pittsburgh, 1968-2003)

Accused of

Making unwanted advances, embracing and kissing a woman on the mouth; failing to take action when it was discovered the janitor was viewing pornography on a school computer and had walked in on women and girls while they were using the bathroom; demonstrating inappropriate conduct with two adult women in November 2002 and April 2003, respectively; inappropriately touching a young girl sometime between 1961 and 1963 at St. Bernard (the girl was seeking counseling from Wilt because she was being sexually abused by her father at the time).


In a 2003 Diocesan memorandum, it was noted that Wilt denied kissing eighth grade girls on the lips and inappropriately touching adult women. In regard to the incident between 1961 and 1963 at St. Bernard, Wilt said he was only at the parish once prior to his assignment there (in 1967), when he paid his respects of the passing of the pastor. He said he was there for about 15 minutes.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



George Kurutz



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned (1976)

Parish history

St. Stephen (Pittsburgh, 1944), St. Joseph (West Aliquippa, 1944-1952), St. Catherine Parish (Wireton, 1944-1952), St. George (South Side, 1952-1955), Holy Trinity (McKeesport, 1955), Immaculate Conception (Washington, 1955-1960), Our Lady of Consolation (Nemacolin, 1960-1961), St. Mary Parish (Crucible, 1960-1961), Sacred Heart (Rices Landing, 1960-1961), St. Lawrence O'Toole (Pittsburgh, 1961-1965), St. Michael (New Castle, 1965-1967), St. Helen (East Pittsburgh, 1967-1976)

Accused of

Molesting two sisters in the late 1950s and early 1960s -- putting his hands under one victim's shirt and inappropriately touching her. (The victim reported in 1996 that the more serious incidents occurred with her sister, and that her sister walked in on their mother performing oral sex on Kurutz.)



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



George Parme



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at St. Cecilia in Glassport as of 1989

Parish history

St. Peter (Butler, 1948-1952), St. Aloysius (Wilmerding, 1952-1957), Presentation BVM (Midland, 1957-1958), Most Holy Name (Troy Hill, 1958-1960), St. Catherine (Beechview, 1960-1963), St. Agnes (Oakland, 1963), St. Joseph (North Side, 1963-1964), Mt. Nazareth Academy (Bellevue, 1964-1968), Mother of Good Council (Brushton, 1968-1969), St. Louis and St. Pascal (Argentine, 1969-1974), St. Cecilia (Glassport, 1974-1989)

Accused of

Touching an altar boy's genitals in 1954 at St. Aloysius and in Parme's car when the victim was approximately 13 years old.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



George Zirwas



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Leave of absence as of 2001

Parish history

Resurrection (Brookline, 1979-1980), St. Adalbert (South Side, 1980-1981), St. Joseph the Worker (New Castle, 1981-1982), St. Michael (Elizabeth, 1982-1989), St. Bartholomew (Penn Hills, 1989-1991), St. Scholastica (Aspinwall, 1991-1994), St. Joseph (Verona, 1994), St. Maurice (Forest Hills, 1995)

Accused of

Sexually abusing several young children (including but not limited to: fondling a boy's genitals, inappropirate touching and oral sex on a 15-year-old, making unwanted sexual contact with a young man); using whips, violence and sadism in raping victims as part of a ring of predatory priests that exchanged victims amongst themselves and manufactured child pornography on Diocesan property.


Zirwas's case is one of three listed in the report as highlighting "the wholesale institutional failure that endangered the welfare of children," and can be examined on pages 230-238.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Henry Krawczyk



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Administrative leave (2003)

Parish history

St. Mary (McKeesport, 1978-1983), Our Lady of Joy (Pittsburgh, 1983-1988), St. Therese (Munhall, 1988-1992), St. Maximillian (Homestead, 1992-2003)

Accused of

Engaging in sexual activity with a young boy (he and Krawczyk would frequently get high and drunk together, and on one occasion, he passed out and awoke to Krawczyk performing oral sex on him, according to the victim's brothers); providing alcohol and marijuana to minors and making sexual advances toward them; drinking alcohol with an underage boy.


In February 2005, Krawczyk pleaded guilty to one count of involuntary manslaughter. The charge stemmed from a cookout that Krawczyk hosted on June 17, 2003 wherein he supplied alcohol to several underage University of Pittsburgh football players. One of the players fell from the roof of St. Anne to his death. In 1986, he admitted to providing alcohol to minors, but only that.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



James E. Somma



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Died two years after service ended in Monroeville and Pitcairn

Parish history

Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ellwood City, 1959-1964), St. Pius V. (McKeesport, 1964), St. Aloysius (1984-1985), Nativity (Pittsburgh, 1985-1992), Holy Trinity (West Mifflin, 1992-1994), Forbes Regional Hospital (Monroeville, 1994-2002), St. Michael (Pitcairn, 1994-2002)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young girl for 6 1/2 years (including forcing her to engage in oral sex and sexual intercourse with him until her late teens); sexually abusing a young boy (including showing him pornography and talking about masturbation); sexually abusing a young boy in 1983 and then on and off from 1984 to 1992 in Pittsburgh (including forced oral sex, buying the victim pornography, offering to pay for a female prostitute and threatening to kill the victim's parents if he told anyone).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



James G. Graham



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Leave of absence from 2012 until death in 2015

Parish history

St. Lawrence O'Toole (Pittsburgh, 1966-1972), St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Pittsburgh, 1972-1974), St. Bernadette (Monroeville, 1974-1978), St. Lawrence O'Toole (Garfield, 1978-2012)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a 16-year-old on two occasions while he was playing pool (Graham came up behind him, lowered his pants and inserted his penis into the victim's anus, according to the report); sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy; abusing a 9-year-old boy for two to three years.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



James Hopkins



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action


Parish history


Accused of

Performing a "medical exam" on a freshman at St. Fidelis Seminary High School, having him bend over and listen to him make comments about his behind.


In 1995, he pleaded guilty to sexually molesting an altar boy in Camden County. He received a 10-year prison sentence and was ordered to register as a sex offender.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



James L. Armstrong



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Administrative leave (2007)

Parish history

St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Pittsburgh, 1977-1982), St. Francis Xavier (Pittsburgh, 1982-1985), Resurrection (West Mifflin, 1985-1989), St. Ursula (Allison Park, 1989-1990), Holy Sepulcher (Butler, 1990-1991), St. Paul (Butler, 1992-1999), Newman Center (Slippery Rock, 1999-2007), St. Peter (Slippery Rock, 1999-2007)

Accused of

Giving homeless boys from Pittsburgh drugs, alcohol and money in exchange for sex before February 1990; sexually abusing a 16-year-old "street kid" in the mid-1980s.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



James R. Adams



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew/dismissed from ministry (2003)

Parish history

St. Francis Xavier (Pittsburgh, 1963-1966), St. Peter (McKeesport, 1966), St. Raphael (Morningside, 1966-1972), St. Francis of Assisi (Finleyville, 1972-1977), Resurrection (West Mifflin, 1977-1979), St. Isaac Jogues (Elrama, 1979-1992)

Accused of

Sexually assaulting a young man (between 8 and 12 years old, a member of St. Francis of Assisi) in the 1970s.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John A. Geinzer



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Is chaplain of Little Sisters of the Poor

Parish history

St. Paul (Butler, 1968-1973), Diocese of Pittsburgh Pastoral Center (1973-1975, 1975-1980), Duquesne University (1973-1975), Mount St. Mary Seminary (Emmitsburg, MD, 1980-1990), Holy Innocents (Pittsburgh, 1990-1991), McGuire Memorial Home (New Brighton, 1991-1994), St. Cyril & Methodius (New Brighton, 1991-1994), St. Colman (Turle Creek, 1994-2000), Archdiocese for Military Services (Washington, DC, 2000-2007), St. Barbara (Bridgeville, 2007-2008), St. John the Baptist (Pittsburgh, 2008-2011), Little Sisters of the Poor (2011-Present)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching a 13-year-old boy in 1980; exhibiting an unnatural interest in young boys


Geinzer denied the touching allegation. When asked about his unnatural interest in young boys in 2014, he responded that he was unaware of his behavior and how it made others feel, and advised that he would make extra effort not to touch any minors.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes: "In regard to the Grand Jury charge of child abuse ---which I abhor ---I cannot recall any action that could be considered or construed as such. This charge can only refer to conduct which has been misinterpreted and thus misunderstood. Secondly, in regard to my heartfelt greeting of children viewed as 'inappropriate, I have been counselled by a diocesan official in a "teachable moment," which became for me a good lesson about social boundaries. Since then, there have been no complaints.


John David Crowley



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned (2003)

Parish history

St. Elizabeth (Pleasant Hills, 1954-1968), St. Margaret (Green Tree, 1968-1969), Holy Angels (Hay, 1969-2003)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a mother and her twin daughters; sexually abusing a young boy (11 or 12 years old) in the 1970s.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John E. Brueckner



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Died while in active ministry at St. Luke in Carnegie (1960)

Parish history

Immaculate Conception (Pittsburgh, 1940-1944), St. Joseph (New Kensington, 1944-1947), St. Mary and New Castle Hospital (New Castle, 1947-1949), St. Mary (Beaver Falls, 1949-1951), St. Lawrence (Pittsburgh, 1951-1956), Annunciation (North Side, 1956-1959), St. Luke (Carnegie, 1959-1960)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young boy in his car after a baseball game between the years of 1947 and 1951. (The victim alleged he was abused by a priest from St. Joseph during that time period, but didn't report a specific name. Besides Father Brueckner, another priest was assigned to the church at that time, according to the report.)



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John H. McMahon



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Retired (1984)

Parish history

Holy Family (Latrobe, 1940-1942), St. Mary Mercy (Pittsburgh, 1942-1953), St. Mary Mercy (Pittsburgh, 1942-1953), St. John the Baptist (Pittsburgh, 1953-1957), St. Sylvester (Brentwood, 1957-1958), St. Peter (Pittsburgh, 1958-1960), St. Catherine (Pittsburgh, 1960), North American Martyr (Monroeville, 1960-1970), Resurrection (Pittsburgh, 1970-1984)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young girl between 1969 and 1976 (when she was 7 to 15 years of age, estimated), including touching and sexual intercourse. (The report indicates that another individual, redacted, participated in the sexual abuse with McMahon.)



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John J. Huber



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at St. Catherine of Siena at time of death in 1998

Parish history

St. Canice Church (Knoxville, 1968-1973), St. Joseph Church (Duquesne, 1973-1979), St. James Church (Sewickley, 1979-1983), St. Joseph Home for Aged (Pittsburgh, 1983-1984), St. Bernard (Mt. Lebanon, 1984-1985), St. Thomas Aquinas (California, 1985-1991), St. Catherine of Siena (Wireton 1991-1998)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a fourth or fifth grade boy (touching him in the genital area, oral sex and paying him afterward on more than one occasion)



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John Keegan



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action


Parish history


Accused of

Inappropriately touching five students at North Catholic High School in the late 1950s and early 1960s (masturbating one of them); speaking in a sexual manner to another student.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John M. Bauer



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Current Pastor (St. Hugh, Carmichaels, PA), Current Pastor (Our Lady of Consolation, Carmichaels, PA)

Parish history

St. Joan of Arc (South Hills, 1973-1978), Immaculate Conception (Washington, 1978-1994), Good Samaritan (Ambridge, 1994-1998), Our Lady of Consolation (Carmichaels, 1999-2006), St. Hugh (Carmichaels, 1999-present), Our Lady of Consolation (Carmichaels, 2006-present)

Accused of

Providing young boys with alcohol and encouraging them to drink it; engaging young boys in conversations about masturbation; wrestling a young man, no genital contact.


Bauer said he remembered wrestling with some of the boys on occasion in the "wrestling room" and would often "join them" since he enjoyed doing a good workout. Asked about the trip when he took three young boys to Columbus and provided them alcohol, "Bauer initially denied taking this trip but then then recalled this trip did occur. Bauer denied providing the boys alcohol in their car ride and suggested that maybe they had their own alcohol that they were drinking but he was unaware of that happening.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John P. Connor



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Removed from active ministry (2002)

Parish history

Parishes in New Jersey (1962-1985), Sewickley Valley Hospital (Unspecified time), St. Alphonsus (Wexford, Unspecified time), St. Matthew (Conshohocken, Unspecified time)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a man (who made the claims in a phone call to the St. Alphonsus rectory in 2008); sexually molesting a young boy from 1986 to 1988 while assigned to St. Alphonsus.


Connor was arrested for sexually molesting a 14-year-old child in New Jersey in October 1984, and avoided conviction on a pre-trial agreement that he'd stay out of trouble for the next year.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John P. Fitzgerald



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at Our Lady of Peace in Conway as of 2014

Parish history

St. Thomas (Braddock, 1974-1977), St. Michael (Braddock, 1974-1977), St. Michael the Archangel (Butler, 1977-1982), St. Alexis (Wexford, 1982-1983), All Saint's (Pittsburgh, 1983-1988), St. Anselm (Pittsburgh, 1988-1989), St. Teresa of Avila (Pittsburgh, 1989-1991), St. Anthony (Bessemer, 1991-1995), St. Lawrence (Hillsville, 1995), St. John Neumann (Pittsburgh, 1995-1996), Our Lady of Peace (Conway, 2009-2014)

Accused of

Molesting a boy in 1996 while Fitzgerald resided at Holy Trinity Church and was the Chaplain of the Pittsburgh International Airport (touching the boy's genital area, exposing himself, oral sex "maybe half a dozen times," according to the victim's family)


Fitzgerald denied the allegations.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

His official response is detailed on Pages 359-367 of exhibits in the report.


John P. Maloney



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at Holy Sepulcher in Butler as of 2004

Parish history

Nativity of Our Lord (Pittsburgh, 1964-1971), St. Phillip (Pittsburgh, 1971-1973), St. Kieran (Pittsburgh, 1973-1979), St. Michael (Pittsburgh, 1979-1982), Holy Sepulcher (Butler, 1982-2004)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young boy after the boy's father died in November 1970 (taking photos of the victim in his underwear)


According to the report, "When confronted with the allegations that he had taken photographs of the male, Maloney stated that he did ask the boy to take his shirt off to show his muscles. Maloney denied that he took photographs of the boy in his underwear or that he had any sexual contact with him. Maloney contended that he did not do anything inappropriate.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John S. Hoehl



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Removed from ministry in 1988, removed from status of priest in 2004. Became children's therapist in W.V.; surrendered license in March 2007

Parish history

St. Mary Magdalene (Homestead, 1964), St. Francis Xavier (Pittsburgh, 1966) Quigley Catholic High School (Baden, 1971), Bishop Boyle High School (Homestead, 1985), St. John Joachim (Greenfield, 1985), Secretariat for Education (Pittsburgh, 1986), Shadyside Hospital (Pittsburgh, 1987)

Accused of

Sexually abusing numerous children of all ages, documented on pages 662 to 665 of the report. Among the allegations: sodomizing two young boys after they intervened to stop him from raping a girl in his office in 1978, oral sex on a 9-year-old boy in 1976, making boys wear long shirts with no underwear to bed so he could touch their genitals in the middle of the night, and wrestling and showering with a 15-year-old boy in 1973 at his private home at Quigley.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John W. Rebel



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at St. James the Apostle in Bedford as of 2010

Parish history

St. Bernard (Mt. Lebanon, 1965-1967), St. Veronica (Ambridge, 1967), St. Joseph (Verona, 1967-1968), St. Michael (Elizabeth, 1968-1973), St. Kieran (Lawrenceville, 1973-1974), Assumption (Bellevue, 1974-1976), St. Margaret Mary (Moon Township, 1976-1981), St. Anselm (Swissvale, 1981-1982), St. Killian (Mars, 1982-2001), St. Bartholomew (Penn Hills, 2001-2002), Sabbatical at North American College in Rome (2002), St. James the Apostle (Bedford, 2002-2010)

Accused of

Molesting a boy in the 1970s when the victim was 10 to 12 years of age after a "home mass.


When confronted with the allegations in 2009, Rebel stated that while he remembered the victim's parents, he had no recollection of their children nor having a "home mass" at their residence. He denied taking the victim for rides in his car after CCD classes. Bishop David Zubik told the victim's parents about the denial, and said he felt that perhaps the abuse was committed by another priest. Zubik stated that after reviewing church records, it was in all likelihood that another priest was parish priest at the time when the abuse occurred.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



John William Wellinger



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Declared de facto withdrawn from active ministry (2003)

Parish history

St. Wendelin (Pittsburgh, 1970-1979), St. Anthansius (West View, 1977-1979), St. Cyril of Alexandria (Pittsburgh, 1980-1981), St. James (Wilkinsburg, 1981-1985), St. Claire (Clairton, 1985-1987), Our Lady of Grace (Scott Township, 1987), Holy Spirit (West Mifflin, 1987-1991), Campus Ministries at CCAC South (West Mifflin, 1987), St. George (Allentown, 1992-1994), St. Philip (Crafton, 1994-1995)

Accused of

Providing alcohol and drugs to an 18-year-old parishioner of the Holy Spirit church in 1987 (the victim had to be taken to the hospital for treatment.); oral sex on a 24-year-old man in 1991 without the man's consent; inappropriately touching a 13-year-old boy in 1991 and molesting him on several occasions; molesting an altar boy (11 or 12 years old) in 1981 or 1982.


Wellinger responded to several of the allegations, including admitting to the unsolicited sexual activity with the 24-year-old man in 1991. The rest of his comments can be examined on Pages 781-783.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Joseph D. Karabin



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at Braddock Hospital until 2002

Parish history

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Midland, 1974-1979), St. Joan of Arc (Library, 1979-1980), St. Joseph the Worker (New Castle, 1980), Holy Name (Duquesne, 1980-1981), St. Albert the Great (Baldwin, 1981-1986), Braddock Hospital (Braddock, 1986-2002)

Accused of

Sexually abusing an individual while assigned to St. Joan of Arc; sexually abusing a child while assigned at St. Albert the Great; inappropriately touching an eighth grade boy in 1985; sexually abusing a boy (approximately 13 to 14 years old) by undressing him, touching him and attempting anal sex with him;


In a meeting detailed in March 1985, Karabin said the "latest incident" (at St. Albert the Great) was caused by stress he was under from not having his own pastorate. In a meeting in 1991, Karabin advised that he made a sexual pass at the victim (he allegedly attempted anal sex with) and although he did not remember touching him, this "isn't to say he didn't" and that he was in an "alcoholic stupor" at the time. Karabin then admitted to sexually abusing two additional boys as well, though it appears that Karabin may have been referring to the two previous cases.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Joseph M. Ganter



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Retired (1964)

Parish history

Saint's Peter & Paul (Pittsburgh, 1922-1923), St. Martin Church (West End, 1923-1932), St. Athanasius Church (West View, 1932-1942), St. Boniface Church (Penn, 1942-1964)

Accused of

Abusing a 10-year-old altar server in the 1930s at St. Anthanasius; having immoral and corrupt relationships with at least three teenage boys ages 13 to 15 in the early 1940s.


According to the report, "In 1945, at the request of Ganter, a Justice of the Peace conducted an investigation into the accusations. The individuals were interviewed, having given different stories and denied any supposed immoral relations with Ganter.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Joseph Mueller



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active ministry (2003)

Parish history

St. Bernard (Mt. Lebanon, 1983-1984), Holy Spirit (West Mifflin, 1984-1986), Cardinal Wright Center (1986-1987), St. John's Hospital Ministry (1987-1988)

Accused of

Attempting to pull down a young boy's shorts on several occasions while the victim stayed overnight with Mueller at the Holy Spirit rectory; paying inappropriate attention to a 16-year-old boy.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Joseph S. Wichmanowski



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was pastor in Ambridge as of 1977

Parish history

St. Mary Polish (McKeesport, 1944-1945), Holy Cross (Glassport, 1945-1946), St. Albert (South Side, 1946-1949), St. John Cantius (Sharpsburg, 1949-1952), St. Stanislaus (Ambridge, 1952-1957), Allegheny Co. Workhouse (1957-1962), St. Cyprian (Pittsburgh, 1962-1969), St. Stanislaus (Ambridge, 1969-1977)

Accused of

Repeatedly forcing a young girl to into sexual acts beginning when she was 12 years old, providing her with alcohol in the form of church wine, making her dress provocatively and telling her he would/wanted to impregnate her (while he was at St. Stanislaus Parish in Ambridge).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Julius May



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action


Parish history


Accused of

Demanding to conduct a medical examination of a North Catholic High School student's genitals during the 1963-1964 school year; inappropriately touching a student during the 1962-1963 school year.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Lawrence F. Stebler



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at St. Theresa of Avila in Perrysville as of 1997

Parish history

St. Hilary (Washington, 1963-1967), Our Lady of Fatima (Hopewell Township, 1967-1969), St. Stephen (Hazelwood, 1969-1988), St. Victor (Bairdford, 1988-1996), St. Theresa of Avila (Perrysville, 1996-1997)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young boy (approximately 8 to 9 years of age) for two to three years when assigned to St. Hilary.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Lawrence O'Connell



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned (1983)

Parish history

Annunciation (North Side, 1930-1948), Master Dolorosa (Chicora, 1948-1952), St. Gabriel (Whitehall, 1952-1983)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young girl (approximately 11 to 13 years of age) in his office at St. Gabriel once a week for over a year; touching and kissing four other young girls.


Three women filed lawsuits in 2004, saying O'Connell would greet children in the school lobby every day at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish in Whitehall. He allegedly groped the girls' breasts and forced them to kiss his cheek daily. One plaintiff said abuse lasted for three years, when she was 12 to15. She said O'Connell offered her and two other girls wine in the rectory, also abusing her in his office and in his car. She said he touched her breasts and genitals and forced two other girls to watch on a weekly basis. He allegedly told the girls they were "blessed." One lawsuit alleged he paid a girl's tuition to keep her at the school. The lawsuits were settled in 2007.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Leo Burchianti



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from ministry (2003)

Parish history

St. Joseph (Natrona, 1964-1966), Immaculate Conception (Bloomfield, 1966-1968), Our Lady of Grace (Scott Township, 1968-1973), St. James (Sewickley, 1973-1979), St. Philip Neri (Donora, 1979-1980), St. Rosalia (Greenfield, 1981), St. Joseph (West Aliquippa, 1981-1993)

Accused of

Having inappropriate contact with at least eight young boys between 1967 and 1993. (According to the report, the allegations included but were not limited to Burchianti: having anal or oral sex with them; inappropriately touching them; making suggestive comments to them; providing alcohol to them; allowing them to use drugs in the rectory; and inviting some to stay overnight to sleep in his bed with him.)


According to the report, "It should be noted that on October 26, 1980, Burchianti admitted to all of these allegations except the 'ones concerning abuse.'" His full responses to the allegations and alleged statements to victims can be examined on pages 600-603 of the report.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Marvin Justi



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at St. Joseph Church as of 2002

Parish history

St. Fidelis Seminary (1958-1969), Quigley High School (Ambridge, 1969-1972), Good Shepard Catholic Church (Shawnee, KS, 1971-Unconfirmed), St. Cecilia Catholic Church (Ambridge, 1980), St. Joseph Church (Cabot, 2002)

Accused of

Sexually assaulting a 17-year-old nursing student at Sewickley Valley Hospital in 1969 as a patient, then undressing in front of her at a separate physical therapy facility in Ambridge in 1982, then appearing at her house unannounced and exposing himself in 1985.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Mauro James Cautela



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Died while in active ministry at Holy Redeemer (2005)

Parish history

Our Lady of Joy (Pittsburgh, 1974-1979), St. Vitus (New Castle, 1979-1983), St. James (Sewickley, 1983-1984), Mother of Good Counsel (Pittsburgh, 1984-1989), St. Norbert (Pittsburgh, 1989-1992), Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ellwood City, 1992-2000), St. Agatha (Ellwood City, 1998-2000), Holy Redeemer (Ellwood City, 2000-2005)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching three young boys during the times that he respectively served as pastor of Our Lady of Joy, St. Norbert, Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Holy Redeemer; using church donations and other funds to further some of his relationships with young boys as well as to purchase homosexual pornography on church computers; oral sex on a victim at a cabin near Seven Springs.


The FBI agreed to file federal charges against Cautela in 2005 for the incidents that occurred in Pennsylvania, but Cautela suffered a heart attack and died, thus concluding the criminal investigation.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Michael C. Romero



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Leave of absence (2000)

Parish history

North American Martyrs (Monroeville, 1977-1978), Immaculate Conception (Washington, 1978-1982), St. Veronica (Ambridge, 1982-1985), St. Basil (Carrick, 1985-1990)

Accused of

Sexually abusing an altar server while assigned to Immaculate Conception, providing him with alcohol and gifts



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Myles Eric Diskin



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned (2003)

Parish history

St. Paul (Butler, 1975-1979), Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ellwood City, 1975-1981), Sacred Heart (Pittsburgh, 1981-1987), Diocese of Pittsburgh (1987-Jan.1, 1991), Diocese of Pittsburgh (Jan. 31, 1991-2002)

Accused of

Engaging in sexual activity with a young boy in the mid-1970s at a church in Butler; inappropriately touching a young girl in the mid-1970s at a church in Butler; sexually abusing a young boy in 1967 to 1977 (including touching his genitals, oral sex); sexually abusing a minor at St. Paul; sexually abusing two victims (11 and 14 years old) in the mid-1970s; inappropriately touching a young man (15 to 16 years old) in 1976 to 1977; inappropriately touching a young woman in the mid-1970s in Butler County; admitting to having a sexual relationship with a young man for a few years while assigned as a priest in Butler.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes: "Most of these allegations come from unnamed sources and the items in the list are duplicated, completely unfounded or substantively inaccurate. Yet, I want to acknowledge that the Grand Jury Report is something of a cry of the heart. It reminds us there is a lot of hurt out there concerning this difficult history. The report will offer affirmation and comfort to many aggrieved people, just as it may open old wounds and stir new suspicion. Still, in the spirit of the Report, I express my deep regret that anyone has found or believe their interaction with me - in any matter - to have been in any way harmful. Recognition of this possibility weighs heavily on me day after day.


Oswald E. Romero



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was at St. Mary of Mercy (Confessor) as of 1997

Parish history

Ecuador parishes (1955-1965), University of Pittsburgh (1966-1977), St. Joseph House of Hospitality (Pittsburgh, 1977-1993), St. Mary of Mercy (Pittsburgh, 1991-1997, as a Confessor)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a minor between the ages of 13 or 14 in 1966 or 1967 while assisting at St. Regis in Oakland (oral sex).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Paul E. Pindel



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Leave of absence (brain tumor) in 1991

Parish history

St. Stanislaus (Ambridge, 1951-1952), St. John Cantius (Sharpsburg, 1952-1953), St. Robert Bellarmine (E. McKeesport, 1953-1957), Holy Family (Pittsburgh, 1957-1959), Holy Angels (Hays, 1959-1960), St. William (E. Pittsburgh, 1960-1966), St. Martin (Pittsburgh, 1966-1969), St. Rose of Lima (Darlington, 1969-1971), St. Ann (New Galilee, 1969-1971), Gilmary School (Coraopolis, 1971-1973), St. Genevieve (Canonsburg, 1973-1985), St. Hyacinth (Pittsburgh, 1985-1989)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young boy during from 1957 to 1960 in Allegheny and Butler counties, oral sex on the victim at a drive-in and placing the victim's hand on his penis; making inappropriate sexual contact with an eighth-grader at St. William around 1965, then having senior boys threaten the boy and beat him up when he entered high school so he wouldn't disclose the abuse; oral sex and simulating anal intercourse on a minor student in the 1960s; sexually assaulting a minor (between the ages of six and nine) between 1980 and 1984 in Washington County (including with a pencil).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Paul G. Spisak



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Removed from ministry (2003)

Parish history

St. Mary of the Mount (Pittsburgh, 1973-1978), St. Benedict of the Abbot (McMurray, 1978-1980), Sacred Heart (Pittsburgh, 1980-1981), St. Dominic (Donora, 1981-1990), St. Charles (Donora, 1988-1990), St. Philip (Pittsburgh, 1990-1994), St. Andrew (Butler, 1994-1997), St. Mary (Cecil, 1998), Chaplain Nursing Home (Allison Park, 2000-2002), Chaplain Nursing Home (Pittsburgh, 2000-2002)

Accused of

Possessing pornographic magazines, tapes and internet material that depicted homosexual and sadomasochistic activity, as well as several inappropriate pictures of Spisak with two different underage boys


In 1998, "Spisak denied ever having any sexual contact with minors or adults" but did admit that "he has been struggling with the problem of viewing pornography for several years." In 2017, he was arrested for videotaping in a men's bathroom stall at South Hills Village Mall. Upon arriving at the police station, he admitted to having the camera, recording the victim in the stall and then flushing the memory card, admitting to police that he had a "sexual fixation with the male buttocks.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes: "I received your 40th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury Report dated May 4, 2018. I have read it thoroughly -and found some discrepancies and false assumptions in the report. All I can say at this time is that I have followed all of the recommendations of the Diocese of Pittsburgh.


Raymond R. Rhoden



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active priestly ministry, retired in 2002

Parish history

Nativity of Our Lord (Pittsburgh, 1976-1982), St. Francis of Assisi (Finleyville, 1982-1989), Monongahela Valley Catholic High School (Monongahela, 1988-1989), Our Lady of Sacred Heart High School (Coraopolis, 1989-1992), St. Joseph (Coraopolis, 1989-1992), St. Philip Neri (Donora, 1992), Our Lady of the Valley (Donora, 1992-1997), St. James (Sewickley, 1997-2002)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a young male between 1976 and 1977 (touching him and oral sex over a number of months when the victim was 16 or 17 years of age).



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Raymond T. Schultz



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Was in Beaver as of 1999

Parish history

St. Mary (Kittaning, 1947-1949), St. Leonard (Monessen, 1949-1950), Holy Rosary (Homewood, 1950-1955), St. Margaret (Greentree, 1955-1957), Catholic Information Center (1957-1966), St. Richard (Pittsburgh, 1964-1966), SS Peter & Paul (Beaver, 1966-1999)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a male victim around the year 1978 when he attended SS Peter and Paul Catholic School in Beaver (the victim indicated he was touched or raped by Schultz about 10 to 15 times).


Much of this report is redacted. It does include a first-person victim account to the grand jury that is detailed throughout the allegation report on pages 748-753.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Richard Deakin



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Dismissed from clerical state (1992)

Parish history

St. Cecilia Church and Friary (Rochester, 1987-1988), St. Francis Friary (Brookline, 1988, Residence Only)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl for more than a two-year-period at a previous assignment in Baltimore, Maryland in the mid-1980s.


Deakin made several comments on the allegations -- including that the girl "initiated the sexual between us as often as I did" and he "was using this teenage girl to gain a sense of power, as well as, to feel needed by someone not as a priest but as a man" -- that are detailed in the report on pages 633-634

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Richard Gerard Terdine



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Might be at St. John Vianney Manor

Parish history

St. Vitus (New Castle, 1965), St. Scholastica (Aspinwall, 1965-1967), Our Lady of Grace (Scott Township, 1967-1968), St. Lawrence O'Toole (Garfield, 1968-1970), Epiphany (Uptown, 1970-1971), Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, 1971-1972), St. Basil (Carrick, 1972-1973), Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1973-1974), Intermediate Schools Unit (1974-1986), St. Peter (McKeesport, 1986-1989), Cardinal Wright Center/Without Assignment (1989), UPMC Shadyside Hospital (Pittsburgh, 1990-1991, 2009), UPMC Presbyterian Hospital (Pittsburgh, 1996-2009), St. John Vianney Manor (Pittsburgh, 2012-Present)

Accused of

Sexually abusing a 16-year-old boy who worked part-time at the rectory of St. Peter church (touching or patting the genital area of the boy on two to three occasions, giving the boy an x-rated video to watch, providing him with condoms and massaging his back).


Terdine denied any sexual touching of the boy. However, he did admit that he gave the boy an x -rated video as well as condoms. He stated that he wanted to educate the boy because he seemed naïve about human sexuality.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Richard J. Dorsch



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrawn from ministry (1996)

Parish history

St. Basil (Carrick, 1970-1975), St. Philip (Crafton, 1975-1977), All Saints (Etna, 1977-1983), St. Michael (Butler, 1983-1985), St. Francis De Sale (McKees Rocks, 1985-1991), St. Coleman (Turtle Creek, 1991-1994), Risen Lord (Pittsburgh, 1994)

Accused of

Sexually assaulting a young boy at "North Park" in Allegheny County in 1994; sexually abusing several other young boys (Including but not limited to: sexually assaulting a young boy on 50 to 70 separate occasions starting in 1981, assaulting an altar boy oral and anal sex, and inappropriately touching a young boy in his bedroom at the rectory and at the gym when the victim was 10 to 12 years old.)


Dorsch was convicted on two counts of indecent assault and one count of corrupting the morals of a minor in 1995 for the "North Park" incident, and was sentenced to 11 1/2 to 23 months incarceration. However, according to the report, he was released on parole a week later and admitted back into an institution. He responded to numerous allegations, which are detailed in the report.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Richard Scherer



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Retired (1992)

Parish history

St. Charles (Donora, 1949-1954), St. Anne (Castle Shannon, 1954-1964), St. Coleman (Turtle Creek, 1964-1965), St. Patrick (Canonsburg, 1965), Holy Cross Hospital (Miami, FL, 1968-1992)

Accused of

Sexually molesting a St. Anne student between 1957 and 1961 at the church.


Scherer wrote of having a nervous breakdown resulting from the "relationship" with the woman, and wrote in 1966 about his continued improvement in health, body and mind and stated that the "severe feeling of guilt" had left him.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Richard Zula



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrawn from ministry (1996)

Parish history

St. Cyril of Alexandria (North Side, 1966-1971), Most Blessed Sacrament (Natrona Heights, 1971-1973), Our Lady of Czestochowa (New Castle, 1973-1980), St. Michael Archangel (Munhall, 1980-1984), Sisters of St. Mary & Ann (Marianna, 1984-1986), St. Clement (Tarentum, 1986-1987), Leave of Absence at Institute of Living (1987-1996)

Accused of

Regularly raped a minor male for years, arranged sexual abuse of a minor for several other adults, tied up children; part of a ring of predatory priests who used whips, violence and sadism in raping victims, exchanged victims amongst themselves and manufactured child pornography on Diocesan property.


Zula admitted to some allegations. He was convicted of child sexual abuse in 1988 and spent two years incarcerated.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Robert Castelucci



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active ministry (2002)

Parish history

St. Rosalia (Greenfield, 1964-1965), St. Joseph (Coraopolis, 1965-1973), St. Martha (Groveton, 1965-1973), St. Patrick (Canonsburg, 1973-1974), St. Mary of Mt. Carmel (Braddock, 1974-1981), St. Lawrence (Hillsville, 1981-1994)

Accused of

Engaging in inappropriate sexual contact with several minors throughout his active ministry (According to the report, the allegations included but were not limited to Castelucci: molesting a young boy from age 13 or 14 until age 17 in the 1970s, including masturbation, oral sex and one attempt at anal sex; giving a 17-year-old male a pornographic video and oral sex; Inappropriately touching a 17-year-old organist at St. Mary beginning in May or June 1974, and oral sex on him in July.)



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Robert E. Spangenberg



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Retired (2003)

Parish history

Holy Ghost Preparatory School (Bensalem, 1974), St. Mary (Detroit, MI), St. Anthony (Pittsburgh, -1977), North Carolina (177-1979), St. Mary (Sharpsburg, 1979-1980), St. Francis de Sale HS (Chicago IL, 1980 -), St. Stanislaus (Pittsburgh, 1982-1984), St. Anthony (Millvale, 1984-1989), Congregation Retirement Home (Sarasota FL, 1989-1990), St. Patrick (Charleston SC, 1990-1993), St. Peter Claver (Philadelphia 1993 -), St. James (Hamlet NC, 1994 - ), Epiphany (Pittsburgh, 1997-), Retirement community (Sarasota FL, 2002)

Accused of

Being "involved" with at least two children, according to Diocesan documents; Hiring underaged prostitutes, including one who said Spangenberg would pay for his sexual services with money from the collection box and in drugs and alcohol.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Robert G. Wolk



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Resigned in 1987, prosecuted and convicted in 1990

Parish history

St. Athanius (West View, PA), Catholic University of America (1972-1974), Diocese of Pittsburgh (1974-1986), La Roche College (Pittsburgh, 1979-1981), St. Thomas More (1986-1987)

Accused of

Multiple allegations of raping pre-pubescent boys; part of a ring of predatory priests that used whips, violence and sadism in raping victims, exchanged victims amongst themselves and manufactured child pornography on Diocesan property.


Wolf pleaded guilty in 1990 to "involuntary deviate sexual intercourse" and "corruption of minors" in Allegheny and Washington counties, and was sentenced to 5 to 10 years incarceration.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Rudolph M. Silvers



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from service (2002)

Parish history

St. Sylvester (Pittsburgh, 1975-1980), St. Robert Bellarmine (East McKeesport, 1980-1982), St. Canice (Pittsburgh, 1982-1983), Assistant Director Vocation Office (Pittsburgh, 1983-1986), St. Peter (Butler, 1986-1994), St. Vincent de Paul (New Castle, 1994), St. Ann (Bulger, 1994-2002), Leave of absence (2002)

Accused of

Multiple allegations of molesting boys as young as 10, taking them into his private quarters for 30-45 minutes, and having them stay the night with him alone.


Silvers stated that the allegations were absolutely false. While he acknowledged that minors came to the rectory basement for recreations, he stated that he would not tolerate such pinching and grabbing behavior. He also denied that anyone went upstairs to his private living quarters.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Theodore P. Zabowski



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active ministry (2002)

Parish history

St. Lawrence O'Toole (Garfield, 1970-1975), Most Holy Name (North Side, 1975-1980), Holy Family (Lawrenceville, 1980-1981), St. Catherine of Sweden (Wildwood, 1981-1982), St. Mary (Glenshaw (1982-1985), St. Adalbert, South Side (1985-1992), St. Richard - Resigned (Richland, 1992-1996), Leave of absence (1996), Immaculate Conception (Washington, 1996-2000), Leave of absence (2000-2002)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching a male victim at a church in Pittsburgh between 1975 and 1979; taking a trip with the same victim to Canada where they slept in the same bed and Zabowski served him alcohol.


Zabowski had acknowledged the possibility of inappropriate touching and acknowledged sharing his bed with boys for "companionship." He admitted to "affectionate hugging" of teenage boys, and in 1996, said the allegations against him "could potentially be true" and that he should not be involved in any relationship with teenage males.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



Thomas M. O'Donnell



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

At Epiphany in Pittsburgh

Parish history

St. Kieran (Lawrenceville, 1960-1964), St. John the Evangelist (Pittsburgh, 1964-1966), St. Norbert (Pittsburgh, 1966-1971), St. Clare (Clairton, 1971-1975), Annunciation (Pittsburgh, 1975-1983), St. Wendelin (Carrick, 1983-2000), St. Maximilian Kolbe (Homestead, 2000-2001), St. John Vianney (Pittsburgh, 2001-2005), St. Cyril of Alexandria (Pittsburgh, 2005-2006), St. Mary of Mercy (2006-2014), Epiphany (2014-Present)

Accused of

Decades of complaints from parents of requiring children he was supervising to undress or shower in his presence, to sleep with him, or to have sexual conversations with him.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?

Yes, he submitted a response that starts on page 401 of the exhibits.


Thomas McKenna



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrew from active priestly ministry (2004)

Parish history

St. Anhelm (Swissvale, 1972-1973), Immaculate Conception (Washington, 1973-1978), Marian Manor Nursing (1978), St. Maurice (1978-1979), Leave of absence for health reasons (1978-1979), St. Kieran (Lawrenceville, 1979-1982), St. John Fisher (Churchill, 1982-1984), Holy Innocents (Sheraden, 1984-1986), Sewickley Valley Hospital (1986-1987), Forbes Regional Hospital (1987-1988), St. Edward (Blawnox, 1988-1994), Our Lady of Fatima (Hopewell, 1994-1998), SCI - Pittsburgh (1998), Allegheny University Medical Center (1998), St. Patrick - St. Stanislaus (Pittsburgh, 1998)

Accused of

Sexually assaulting two teenage brothers in the 1970s; sexually assaulting an inmate at SCI-Pittsburgh, where McKenna was chaplain; sexually abusing a male in 1975.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



William B. Yockey



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrawn from active ministry (1991)

Parish history

Assumption Church (Bellevue, 1977-1978), St. Bernadette (Monroeville, 1978-1983), Department of Social and Community Development (Pittsburgh, 1983-1984), St. Canice (Pittsburgh, 1983-1984), St. Therese of Lisieux (Munhall, 1984-1986), St. Winifred (Mt. Lebanon, 1987-1989), Allegheny County Jail (1987-1989), In reserve @ St. Luke (Carnegie, 1989), In Reserve @ St. Anthony (Bridgeville, 1989-1991)

Accused of

Touching the genitals of two high school students in 1981 and 1983, at ages 16 and 18, and forced oral sex on another minor in the same period.


Yockey admitted to one of the allegations, said he was drinking a lot at the time, and said another accusation was possible. He resigned at that time.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



William Hildebrand



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action


Parish history

Marianist Order, North Catholic High School (Pittsburgh, 1950s)

Accused of

Inappropriately touching of four different male students at North Catholic High School between 1952 and 1961.



Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?



William P. O'Malley, III



When ordained or entered religious order


Last parish-related action

Withdrawn from active priestly ministry (2003)

Parish history

St. Jerome (Charleroi, 1970-1973), St. Canicle (Pittsburgh, 1973-1978), St. Francis de Sales (McKees Rocks, 1978-1982), St. Paul (Butler, 1982-1985), St. Conrad (Meridian, 1985-1992), Devine Mercy (Beaver Falls, 1995-1997), St. Irenaeus (Oakmont, 1997)

Accused of

Sexually abusing several young children (including but not limited to: touching a boy's genitals and providing him alcohol in 1978, molesting a 14-year-old from 1996 to when he was 17 in 1999 in three different counties, sexually assaulting three victims in the 1970s and sexually assaulting three others in the mid-1990s and as recently as 1999).


O'Malley once admitted that adolescents were coming into the rectory to use the pool tables and pinball machines, and that he received a backrub from a male 22 years of age who claimed he had been sexually assaulted, but never addressed the other allegations.

Official Response Submitted to the Grand Jury Report?
