Ella Mae Warren, left, 82, opens her daily copy of The Vindicator brought to her by her caretaker and daughter, Gail Warren, 62, on Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019, at their home on the East Side of Youngstown, Ohio. Gail picks up her morning coffee and a paper for her mother most days at a local doughnut shop, which her mother reads cover to cover to keep up with her beloved sports teams. (Stephanie Strasburg/Post-Gazette)
The Vindicator, Youngstown’s newspaper since 1869, closes its do
Ella Mae Warren, left, 82, opens her daily copy of The Vindicator brought to her by her caretaker and daughter, Gail Warren, 62, on Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019, at their home on the East Side of Youngstown, Ohio. Gail picks up her morning coffee and a paper for her mother most days at a local doughnut shop, which her mother reads cover to cover to keep up with her beloved sports teams. (Stephanie Strasburg/Post-Gazette)