Dontesha Rouse, center, awaits a balloon release after a funeral for her brother, Christian Moore-Rouse, Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at Mulberry Community Church in Wilkinsburg. Police found Mr. Moore-Rouse’s remains in a wooded area near Settlers Ridge Road in Fox Chapel. At left is Khadiyjah Cook, fiancée of Michael Rouse, brother of Christian, and Ms. Cook’s sister Sojourner Cook. (Steve Mellon/Post-Gazette)
A treacherous journey: Christian Moore-Rouse’s last ride ended in death
Dontesha Rouse, center, awaits a balloon release after a funeral for her brother, Christian Moore-Rouse, Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at Mulberry Community Church in Wilkinsburg. Police found Mr. Moore-Rouse’s remains in a wooded area near Settlers Ridge Road in Fox Chapel. At left is Khadiyjah Cook, fiancée of Michael Rouse, brother of Christian, and Ms. Cook’s sister Sojourner Cook. (Steve Mellon/Post-Gazette)