A surge in COVID-19 deaths in Fayette County in December staggers Uniontown Hospital
ICU nurses cried, talked with counselors, but none walked away.
Year of COVID
Teenie’s darkroom: A modest house with a photographic memory
Famous photographer’s home in Homewood deserves special recognition, his family says
The last massive vaccine rollout — for polio — started in Pittsburgh
Brighton’s Plight
A five-month investigation into Brighton Rehabilitation and Wellness Center showed that owners and managers took actions before COVID-19 that likely contributed to at least 82 COVID deaths there.
Joe Biden & Kamala Harris sworn in as president and vice president of the United States
The 1918 flu epidemic in Western Pennsylvania
Faces of COVID-19
Local victims of the pandemic
At Hug Me Tight, no more hugs for now
The challenges of child care in the age of COVID-19