In Focus: A reflection of friendship

In 2006, David Stefanucci built a house on Conneaut Lake to retire in and placed the first lit tree on the lake. He looked out and spotted what he called a lit “Charlie Brown Tree” also on display.

“The whole lake was dark and it was the only lights to look at,” said Mr. Stefanucci.

As fate would have it, the tree belonged to his childhood friend Dane Lang. As kids, their backyards were connected in Meadville, Pa. and now Mr. Lang is a Meadville businessman and Mr. Stefanucci is a retired Meadville police chief.

They started the “Trees of Light” in 2012 with 17 trees.

In 2013, the number of trees climbed to 35 and in 2015 the men set up 100 trees that people pay to have installed and removed around Conneaut Lake. The designed trees are supported on a 21-foot flagpole with 22 lines of LED lights.

The lights start on Thanksgiving night and continue through New Years Day.

“The community talks about the trees and it puts a smile on people’s faces and draws the community together. The really unique thing about these trees being on the lake is not only the light, from the tree itself…you get the reflection that comes off the water and that’s that amazing part of it.”