At Dusk, fifty-five floating “braziers” that house wood and fire, line the sides of the Shenango River in the heart of Sharon, Pa.
A “Fire Globe” burned on the State Street Bridge while forty artists held torches over the side of the bridge.
The theme for the August 20th production was “Artists At Work”.
“WaterFire Sharon” is a free event and sponsored by the non profit arts Fund of Community Foundation of Wester, Pa. and Eastern Ohio.
The third and last “WaterFire Sharon,” for the 2016 Season will catch fire on Saturday Sept. 24th at dusk.
Darrell Sapp/Post-Gazette / Sharon, Pa. taken on 08/20/2016 In Focus WaterFire Sharon Fire shoots out of the fire globe on the State Street Bridge , in Sharon ,Pa. This is the fourth year for WaterFire Sharon . 20160914dsWaterFireInFocus01.jpgKayaks decorated with blue rings of lights go between the floating braziers, anchored in the Shanango River.Some of the 40 torches held on the the State Street Bridge by local artists and volunteers.Flames reflect on the water from the floating braziers, anchored in the Shanango River.Spogga Hash, of New Orleans, spins fire during his performance on the Shanango River during WaterFire Sharon.Flames dance from one of the floating braziers, anchored in the Shanango River.]People watch from W. Connelly Blvd. during WaterFire Sharon on the Shanango River.Spogga Hash spins fire during his performance on the Shanango River during WaterFire Sharon.