The pilot from “Space Kidz” team, glides out over the Allegheny River at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)Members of “The Dark Knight Descends” perform their skit on the platform at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)“The Dark Knight Descends” team pilot and aircraft make their landing in the Allegheny River in front of the crowd at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)The “Wright Burghers” react as their aircraft loses a wheel going over the edge of the platform at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)Walt Czekaj, the “Back to the Future” team pilot, heads towards the end of the platform at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. He was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.(Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)Walt Czekaj, the pilot from team “Back to the Future” entry, braces for impact on his skateboard-inspired flying device at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. He appeared to be motionless after the crash as the device was pulled away. He was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)Members of the Pitt “Roc-ettes” team react as their glider and pilot leave the platform at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)The “Survivor Tractor” sailed 121 feet at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)The pilot and stuffed co-pilot of “Scooby Doo Flew” break away from their aircraft at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)The “Polish Spill” prepares for launch at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)Water drips off the skirts of the “Polish Spill” team members after they climbed out of the Allegheny River at the Red Bull Flugtag on Saturday, August 5, 2017 on the North Shore. (Haley Nelson/Post-Gazette)